Final Prototype
Following the System Usability Scale (SUS) and expert evaluations, the feedback gathered informed iterative improvements, leading to a refined version of the prototype. Subsequently, a final evaluation of the Health-ITUES evaluation was conducted to gauge the application's effectiveness in addressing key dimensions of health information technology usability. This journey from initial design to refined prototype underscores the iterative nature of development, driven by user-centric feedback and a commitment to enhancing user experience within healthcare settings.
Patient Side
The onboarding screens have been developed to accommodate both patient and staff users effectively. The login screen is dedicated to individuals who have successfully undergone the initial sign-up procedure. Both patient users and staff members, whose login details are securely stored in Firebase, utilise this screen for authentication to then navigate to the home screen.
Notably, all staff members are given login details created via Firebase, eliminating the necessity for them to undergo the sign-up procedure. Depending on the user’s email address input, they will be directed either to the Patient Home Screen or the Staff Home Screen.
The start up screen offers users the choice between logging in or initiating the sign-up process. For patients opting to sign up, a set of user information such as first and last names, email, and password, is required. This input is facilitated through a secure entry feature to ensure the confidentiality and security of the chosen password. Users can navigate back to the previous screen either through the back button icon or the provided text prompt, "Already have an account?"
Alert boxes play a pivotal role in guiding users seamlessly through the onboarding journey. Alerts was imported from the React Native library, ensuring users remain well-informed at every step. The imports from Firebase allows new users to signup and the alerts identifies and communicates to the user if their login or signup credentials are incorrect or incomplete, providing real-time feedback.
Opting for a password under 7 characters prompts a notification about the necessity for a more secure password, courtesy of the Firebase Auth library. Beyond error prompts, the alert messages also pops up upon successful login or signup, expressing the accomplishment of these actions.
To enhance user experience further, an activity indicator is integrated into various screens, keeping users informed with the action and allowing a sense of transparency and engagement throughout their interaction with the application.
Users can access the Forgotten Password screen from the login screen, enabling them to input their email address and press the “Send Password Reset” button, automatically redirecting them back to the login screen with an alert box displaying the message “Success, password reset email sent successfully. Please check your email”. Subsequently, they receive an email containing a link which facilitates the process of setting a new password. After successfully changing the password, users can return to the Health Ease login screen, where they can log in using their updated email and password credentials.
When a logged-in patient navigates through the app, they can seamlessly explore various categories by simply tapping on the "See All" option. This directs them to a list of categories. Alternatively, users have the flexibility to select a category, instantly taking them to a dedicated screen showcasing a list of doctors for that specific category. From here, they can check individual doctor profiles or initiate the appointment booking process.
The applications home screen includes informative banners, highlighting the diverse functionalities of the app and providing users with an intuitive and engaging experience. A particularly user-friendly feature is the "Upcoming Appointments" section, strategically designed to streamline the booking process. Users can seamlessly book appointments through the "Book Now" button, ensuring a clear and straightforward process towards scheduling their appointments.
Upon selecting a doctor's profile, users access comprehensive information retrieved from the Firestore Database, including the doctor's name, experience, specialties, and bio. The "Book Now" button, strategically placed across screens, facilitates seamless appointment scheduling. Once this has been pressed, users are directed to the booking screen, featuring enhanced clarity and precision compared to the previously outlined design. Here, users can choose from available time slots, select a date, and add any necessary notes for the doctor.
Once a date and time has been confirmed, a reassuring alert confirms the booking "Appointment Booked, your appointment has been booked successfully." This appointment is then displayed on the Patient Home Screen's "Upcoming Appointments" section, providing users with a convenient overview of their current and upcoming healthcare engagements.
Staff Side
As previously mentioned, depending on the user will determine which screens they will see and have access to. All staff are given an email and password to log into so there is no need for them to sign up so if they do try or anyone else does, they will not be able to gain access, giving the alert message “Sign up with is not allowed”. The if else statement includes “”, once they enter their details, they’re taken straight to the Staff Home screen with an alert “Login successful” to show the staff that they have logged in successfully.
The Staff Home Screen is meticulously designed, presenting essential features such as a notification bell, cart, and a dynamically updated list of appointments booked by patients through their chosen doctor's profile. In instances where a doctor has no appointments scheduled, a thoughtful display ensures clarity, stating "No upcoming appointments".
As patients book appointments, the Your Appointments section dynamically populates with applicable details for the staff who is signed in, including date, time, and patient names. Additionally, a list of available products is integrated, facilitating seamless navigation to the Products screen. The application fetches appointment and product information from the Firestore database, enhancing the overall user experience.
To enhance the user experience further, a streamlined checkout process is implemented. Users can easily add products to their cart, modify quantities, and even remove items, all facilitated through the implementation of createContext, useContext, useReducer, and useEffect from the React library and a switch statement.
Upon clicking the checkout button, a prompt appears, confirming the order's success with the message, "Order Successful. Thank you for your order! Please check your email for confirmation." This responsive feedback assures staff of the completion of their order, creating a seamless transition back to the home screen with an emptied cart.
The Notifications Screen, accessible through the bell icon on the home screen, provides a centralised view of all booked appointments and tasks. Ensuring a smooth transition between screens, an activity loader keeps staff informed during these interactions. For staff with no appointments or tasks, clear and concise text notifies them of the absence of notifications or tasks, contributing to a user-friendly experience.
Health Information Technology Usability Evaluation Scale (Health-ITUES)
The Health-ITUES evaluation results highlight positive user experiences with the Health Ease mHealth application, assessed through mean and standard deviation calculations. Mean scores, ranging from 4.48 to 4.76, indicate high user satisfaction across dimensions such as ease of learning, task efficiency, and memorability. Participants also praised the visual design and functional integration of the system.
While overall satisfaction was strong, slight variations in responses for dimensions like Enjoyability and Satisfaction suggest areas for further exploration and refinement. These insights guide ongoing improvements to ensure Health Ease meets diverse user needs and preferences effectively.
The Health-ITUES evaluation examines 10 dimensions with 20 questions, using the Likert scale to assess various aspects of the HIT system, including ease of learning, efficiency, memorability, error prevention, and subjective satisfaction. These responses stem from participants from the SUS evaluation who had previously engaged with the initial prototype. Additionally, individual participant responses and their impact on the overall evaluation will be considered, contributing to a well-rounded perspective on the usability of the HIT system.